Belize 2000

Belize Population Pyramid

Yearbook 2000

Belize. At the end of February, a diplomatic conflict with Guatemala broke out after a Belizean combined police and military patrol was captured by the Guatemalan military. Both countries claimed that their territory was violated. It is not long since Guatemala renounced historic territorial claims on Belize.

  • ABBREVIATIONFINDER: Offers three letter and two letter abbreviations for the country of Belize. Also covers country profile such as geography, society and economy.

Country data

Area: 22,966 km2 (world rank: 148)

Population: 375,000

Population density: 16 per km2 (as of 2017, world rank: 172)

Capital: Belmopan

Official languages: English

Gross domestic product: 1.8 billion US $; Real growth: 0.9%

Gross national product (GNP, per resident and year): 4390 US$

Currency: 1 Belize dollar (Bz $) = 100 cents


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Head of State: Elizabeth II, Head of Government: Dean Barrow, Exterior: Wilfred Elrington

National Day: 21.9.

Administrative structure
6 districts

State and form of government
Constitution of 1981
Parliamentary monarchy (in the Commonwealth)
Parliament: House of Representatives with 31 members, election every 5 years; Senate (Senate) with 12 members appointed for 5 years.
Suffrage from 18 years.

Population in: Belize, last census 2010: 324,528 residents.
34% European indigenous, 25% African, 11% indigenous, 6% African indigenous, 6% Chinese, 4% European, 3% Indian

Cities (with population): (as of 2017) Belize City 62,582 inh., Belmopan 21,814, San Ignacio / Santa Elena 21,736, San Pedro 18,440, Orange Walk Town 13,679, Corozal 12,334

Religions: 40% Catholics, 9% Pentecostals, 6% Adventists, 5% Anglicans, 4% Mennonites and others (as of 2006)

Languages: English; Creole, Spanish; indigenous languages; German dialect (Mennonites)

Employed by economic sector: Agriculture. 15%, industry 15%, business 70% (2017)

Unemployment (in% of all labor force): 2017: 9.3%

Inflation rate (in%): 2017: 1.1%

Foreign trade: import: 907 million US$ (2017); Export: US $ 404 million (2017)

Population 2000

According to COUNTRYAAH, the population of Belize in 2000 was 247,204, ranking number 181 in the world. The population growth rate was 3.630% yearly, and the population density was 10.8424 people per km2.

Belize Population Pyramid