Ashton, Idaho Weather by Month

Ashton is a beautiful town located in Fremont County, Idaho, United States. Situated in the eastern part of the state, Ashton lies at the western edge of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, surrounded by stunning mountain ranges, forests, and rivers. The town serves as a gateway to several outdoor recreational areas, including Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and the Henrys Fork of the Snake River. With a population of approximately 1,100 residents, Ashton maintains a small-town charm while offering access to a wealth of outdoor adventures. Major landmarks in Ashton include the Mesa Falls Scenic Byway, the Ashton Hill Historical District, and the Henrys Fork Wildlife Management Area.

Climate and Weather Overview

To provide a comprehensive overview of the climate in Ashton, let’s examine the average temperature, precipitation, and number of sunny days for each month of the year.

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 25°F 1.67 inches 10 days
February 30°F 1.50 inches 11 days
March 37°F 1.57 inches 13 days
April 45°F 1.61 inches 15 days
May 54°F 2.19 inches 17 days
June 63°F 2.14 inches 19 days
July 71°F 1.13 inches 22 days
August 69°F 1.07 inches 21 days
September 59°F 1.43 inches 18 days
October 47°F 1.57 inches 15 days
November 34°F 1.70 inches 12 days
December 26°F 1.56 inches 10 days

Weather by Month


January in Ashton is characterized by cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average temperatures hover around 25°F, making it the coldest month of the year. While temperatures may be frigid, precipitation levels are relatively low, with an average of 1.67 inches. Despite the cold, there are still 10 sunny days, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and wildlife viewing in nearby national parks.


February brings similar weather conditions to January, with cold temperatures averaging around 30°F. While temperatures remain chilly, precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to January, with an average of 1.50 inches. With 11 sunny days, residents and visitors can continue to enjoy winter activities such as ice fishing, snowmobiling, and soaking in natural hot springs.


As spring approaches, March sees a gradual increase in temperatures in Ashton, with average highs reaching 37°F. While temperatures become milder, snowfall remains possible, contributing to an average precipitation of 1.57 inches. Sunny days become more frequent, with 13 days of clear skies, providing ideal conditions for outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and exploring the town’s scenic trails.


April marks the onset of warmer weather in Ashton, with average highs climbing to 45°F. While temperatures rise, snowmelt contributes to an average precipitation of 1.61 inches. With 15 sunny days, residents and visitors can fully embrace the arrival of spring by participating in outdoor activities such as fishing, camping, and horseback riding in nearby wilderness areas.


May brings even warmer temperatures to Ashton, with average highs reaching 54°F. While temperatures soar, rainfall becomes more frequent, with an average precipitation of 2.19 inches. With 17 sunny days, there are ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and wildlife spotting in the surrounding national parks and wildlife refuges.


June heralds the arrival of summer in Ashton, with average highs soaring to 63°F. The weather becomes significantly warmer, with occasional rain showers contributing to an average precipitation of 2.14 inches. Despite the rain, there are still 19 sunny days, allowing residents and visitors to enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing, boating, and camping along the Henrys Fork of the Snake River.


July is typically the warmest and driest month in Ashton, with scorching average highs of 71°F and minimal rainfall averaging 1.13 inches. Despite the heat, there are still 22 sunny days, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, rafting, and exploring the area’s numerous hot springs and waterfalls.


Similar to July, August maintains warm temperatures in Ashton, with average highs around 69°F. Rainfall remains minimal, with an average precipitation of 1.07 inches. With 21 sunny days, residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing, mountain biking, and attending local festivals and events.


As summer transitions to fall, September brings slightly cooler temperatures to Ashton, with average highs of 59°F. While temperatures moderate, occasional rain showers are still possible, contributing to an average precipitation of 1.43 inches. With 18 sunny days, outdoor activities such as hiking, wildlife watching, and visiting scenic overlooks are popular choices for residents and visitors alike.


October sees a further decrease in temperatures in Ashton, with average highs dropping to 47°F. While the weather remains mild, rainfall levels increase slightly compared to September, with an average precipitation of 1.57 inches. With 15 sunny days, residents and visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as leaf-peeping, hiking, and wildlife photography in the surrounding national forests and wildlife management areas.


November brings cooler temperatures and shorter days to Ashton, with average highs of 34°F. While temperatures cool, precipitation levels increase, averaging 1.70 inches. With 12 sunny days, outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, and visiting local hot springs are popular as residents embrace the changing colors of fall and prepare for the upcoming holiday season.


December in Ashton is characterized by cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. The average high temperature is around 26°F, with cool evenings and occasional snow showers. Precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to November, with an average of 1.56 inches. Despite the snow, there are still 10 sunny days, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing in nearby mountain resorts.

Natural Disasters

While Ashton is relatively sheltered from major natural disasters, it is still susceptible to occasional hazards common to the region, including wildfires, earthquakes, and winter storms. Wildfires can occur during periods of dry and windy weather, posing risks to property and public safety. Earthquakes, though infrequent, can potentially cause damage to buildings and infrastructure. Winter storms can bring heavy snowfall and icy conditions, leading to hazardous driving conditions and power outages. It is essential for residents and visitors to stay informed about weather forecasts and follow safety guidelines issued by local authorities during times of inclement weather.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Ashton offers a variety of indoor and outdoor activities for residents and visitors to enjoy. Some recommended activities by month include:

  • January: Snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, wildlife viewing.
  • February: Ice fishing, snowmobiling, soaking in natural hot springs.
  • March: Hiking, birdwatching, exploring scenic trails.
  • April: Fishing, camping, horseback riding.
  • May: Hiking, biking, wildlife spotting.
  • June: Fishing, boating, camping along the river.
  • July: Hiking, rafting, visiting hot springs.
  • August: Fishing, mountain biking, attending local festivals.
  • September: Hiking, wildlife watching, scenic drives.
  • October: Leaf-peeping, hiking, wildlife photography.
  • November: Hunting, fishing, visiting hot springs.
  • December: Skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing.

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