Niger 2000

Niger Population Pyramid

Yearbook 2000

Niger is a state in northwestern Africa, bordering Libya and Algeria to the North, Mali and Burkina Faso to the West, Benin and Nigeria to the South, Chad to the East. Prime Minister Amadou announced after the turn of the year that the state’s poor finances so far made it impossible to pay the new members of parliament. Niger is one of the world’s poorest countries, second only to the UN list of social development. Over the past 30 years, the population has more than doubled, while economic growth has barely occurred. Long periods of military rule have slowed the influx of development assistance, but the International Monetary Fund provisionally estimated that Niger could be part of the debt-relief program for particularly debt-ridden countries.

An international fashion show in the capital Niamey in November was preceded by violent protests from Islamic groups. Following the riots, which also spread to other parts of Niger, the government banned seven Islamic organizations.

  • ABBREVIATIONFINDER: Offers three letter and two letter abbreviations for the country of Niger. Also covers country profile such as geography, society and economy.

Country data

Area: 1,267,000 km2 (world ranking: 21)

Population: 21,477,000

Population density: 17 per km2 (as of 2017, world ranking: 57)

Capital: Niamey

Official languages: French

Gross domestic product: 8.1 billion US $; Real growth: 4.9%

Gross national product (GNP, per resident and year): 360 US$

Currency: CFA franc


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Head of State: Mahamadou Issoufou, Head of Government: Brigi Rafini, Outside: Kalla Ankourao

National Day: December 18 (Day of the Republic)

Administrative structure
7 regions and capital district

State and form of government
Constitution of 2010
Presidential Republic
Parliament: National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) with 171 members, election every 5 years
Direct election of the head of state every 5 years (one-time re-election)
Right to vote from 18 years.

Population: Nigrer, last census in 2012: 17,138,707 residents.
55.4% Hausa, 21.0% nilo-Saharan groups (Djerma, Songhai), 9.3% Tuareg, Fulani 8.5% (Peul), 4.7 % Kanuri; Tubu, Arab and European

Cities (with population): (As of 2012) Niamey 978,029 pop., Maradi 267,249, Zinder 235,605, Tahoua 117,826, Agadez 110,497, Arlit 78,651, Birni N’Konni 63,169, Dosso 58,671, Gaya 45,465, Tessaoua 43,409

Religions: 98% Muslims (of which 5% Sunni) Shiites); indigenous religions, minority of Christians (status: 2006)

Languages: French; Hausa, Songhai-Djerma, Fulbe, Tuareg, Kanuri and others

Employed by the: agricultural sector. 76%, industry 7%, business 17% (2017)

Unemployment (in% of all labor force): no information

Inflation rate (in%): 2017: 2.4%

Foreign trade: Import: 1.7 billion US $ (2017); Export: US $ 1.2 billion (2017)

Niger – Niamey

Niamey, capital of Niger; 1. 1 million residents (2012). Niamey, located on the Niger River, has a river port with links to cities on the Atlantic coast of Benin and Nigeria. The city is the administrative and commercial center and the center of the surrounding agricultural area. Other industries comprise the food, brewery and textile industries. In Niamey there are universities (founded in 1971) and several research institutes as well as an international airport.

Niamey was founded as a French military posting and in 1926 became the capital of the Niger colony in French West Africa.

Population 2000

According to COUNTRYAAH, the population of Niger in 2000 was 11,331,446, ranking number 68 in the world. The population growth rate was 3.610% yearly, and the population density was 8.9457 people per km2.

Niger Population Pyramid