Costa Rica 2000

Costa Rica Population Pyramid

Yearbook 2000

Costa Rica. During the course of the year, Costa Rica has regulated its relations with neighboring countries with regard to border demarcations. In June, an agreement was reached with Nicaragua regarding shipping on the San Juan River, an issue that has hindered the countries’ cooperation for two years. In October, Congress also ratified an agreement on the maritime border with Colombia, six years after its signing.

In the economic sphere, in March, after five years of negotiations, Congress approved an end to the state monopoly in electricity supply and telecommunications – a victory for the government, but unions and students protested.

However, a proposal by Governor Eduardo Lizano to follow Ecuador’s example and “dollarize” the economy has been received coolly by the government.

  • ABBREVIATIONFINDER: Offers three letter and two letter abbreviations for the country of Costa Rica. Also covers country profile such as geography, society and economy.

Population. – An evaluation in December 1945 makes it amount to 746,535 residents (15.3 per sq. Km.), Distributed as follows in the various provinces: Alajuela, 157,077 residents; Cartago, 111,454; Guanacaste, 90,107; Heredia, 55,156; Limón, 40,117; Puntarenas, 50,043; San José, 282.151. The population of the main cities in December 1946 was as follows: San José, 79,614 residents; Cartago, 13,174; Heredia, 10,848; Alajuela, 10,346; Limón, 10,224; Puntarenas, 8868; Liberia, 3901.

Economic conditions. – In 1946-47 the coffee, grown on 57.000 ha., Gave a production of 108.500 q. against 159,790 in 1944-45; the export of bananas was 562,200 quintals; cocoa (7000 ha.) gave a product of 16.000 q.; the product of sugar cane was 171,000 q. Among the crops that are used exclusively to feed the local population, that of maize occupied 31,000 ha. and gave 280,000 q. of product; that of rice, 12,000 ha respectively. and 129,000 q.

Commerce. – In trade in recent years, the value of exports has remained almost stationary (11-12 million dollars), while that of imports has grown strongly (16.8 million in 1940, 33.0 million in 1946).

Finances. – The figures from the financial statements from 1941 to 1947 are shown below:

At the beginning of 1947 the internal public debt amounted to 110.2 million (of which 56.4 of consolidated) and the foreign debt to 146.2 million. Since 1937 the official exchange rate of the colón has remained stable at 146.2 colones per dollar and on the basis of this the gold parity of 1 colón = 0.158267 fine grams has been declared to the International Monetary Fund. The free exchange rate was 6.21 colones per dollar at the end of June 1948. By law of November 15, 1936, Banco Internacional de Costa Rica was reorganized to take the name of Banco Nacional de Costa Rica. The new institution is, like the previous one, a state bank and also functions as a commercial bank and mortgage bank. As of December 31, 1947, the circulation amounted to 82.6 million colones,


Vaccination against covid-19 begins

24 December

The first vaccinations against covid-19 in Latin America are being carried out in Costa Rica, Mexico and Chile. People and staff in nursing homes receive the first injections in Costa Rica, which have received nearly 10,000 doses in a first round. The vaccine from Pfizer and Biontech is manufactured in Belgium. Just over 2,000 people have now died in covid-19 in Costa Rica. As in many other places, the healthcare system is severely strained by the pandemic.


IMF negotiations are dropped after protests

4 October

President Carlos Alvarado withdraws a proposal for negotiations with the IMF after extensive protests, with roadblocks and outbreaks of violence in which several police officers were injured. The opposition, which dominates parliament, is critical of the IMF negotiations focusing on temporary tax increases instead of cuts in public spending. Alvarado now calls instead for a national dialogue, with business, trade unions and academics, to resolve the country’s acute economic situation. The budget deficit is expected to grow to 9.7 percent of GDP this year, due to the corona pandemic. Costa Rica has long had very few cases of corona infection, but the number has increased since mid-July. The number of confirmed cases now amounts to just over 80,000 and the number of deaths in covid-19 is approaching 1,000.

Population 2000

According to COUNTRYAAH, the population of Costa Rica in 2000 was 3,962,261, ranking number 120 in the world. The population growth rate was 2.250% yearly, and the population density was 77.6023 people per km2.

Costa Rica Population Pyramid