Austria 2000

Austria Population Pyramid

Yearbook 2000

Austria. Austria began the year with a political deadlock after the parliamentary elections in October 1999, when the right-wing populist party, FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs) with Jörg Haider became the country’s second largest after the Social Democrats, SPÖ (Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs). The party made its worst choice after World War II. There was almost a dead race between the Conservative People’s Party, ÖVP (Österreichische Volkspartei) and FPÖ, which won second place.

  • ABBREVIATIONFINDER: Offers three letter and two letter abbreviations for the country of Austria. Also covers country profile such as geography, society and economy.
Land area 83,871 km²
Total population 8,859,449
Residents per km² 105.6
Capital Vienna
Official language German
Income per capita $ 50,000
Currency Euro
ISO 3166 code AT
Internet TLD .at
License plate A.
Telephone code +43
Time zone UTC UTC + 1, daylight saving time UTC + 2
Geographic coordinates 47 20 N, 13 20 O

After tough political negotiations, it was clear in early February that it was impossible to form a government without FPÖ. The President instructed the ÖVP leader Wolfgang Schüssel to form a government with the FPÖ. This led to a frame scream from the outside world. The leaders of the other 14 EU countries, with France’s President Jacques Chirac as the driving force, decided to impose political sanctions on Austria immediately. The decision was made by telephone without any preparatory meeting. The boycott was said to be valid until FPÖ was gone from the government. Three weeks after the formation of the government, Jörg Haider left the party leader post and was succeeded by Vice Chancellor Susanne Riess-Passer. The sanctions involved political bullying of Austrian diplomats and politicians, regardless of party affiliation.

Jörg Haider enjoyed the attention and the domestic political platform he was given thanks to the sanctions. He called the French president pocket Napoleon in pocket format. The boycott made work difficult in the EU, and in the summer Wolfgang Schüssel announced in the autumn a referendum on the sanctions. It was a reminder that Austria could easily cripple the work of the European Union. The leaders of the other EU countries realized from all judgments that they had painted themselves into a corner. They then decided to send “three wise men”, including Finland’s former President Martti Ahtisaari, to Austria to examine the human rights situation and the treatment of immigrants and minorities. They presented their report in September, where Austria received a good rating. France was then the country of Presidency of the EU, and Jacques Chirac was forced to announce that the sanctions had been lifted. – Little Napoleon has met his Waterloo, commented Jörg Haider with ill-concealed pleasure and with the purpose of the French emperor’s defeat in 1815. See for Austria tour plan.

Historical overview

about 500,000 BC Homo erectus in Austria
about 40,000–7000 BC Late Paleolithic hunters in Austria
4000s BC Agriculture is introduced by representatives of the band ceramic culture.
3000s BC Copper deposits in the Alps are beginning to be exploited.
about 2000–600 BC The Bronze Age.
about 1000 BC – BC Austria is a core area for the rich, mountainous Hallstatt culture and dating from about 400 BC. for the Celtic Latin culture.
100 century BC The Kingdom of Noricum is established in the south. The country is now inhabited by Celts, Illyrians and Germans.
15–10 BC Austria south of the Danube is invaded by the Romans, and the area is incorporated into the provinces of Raetia, Noricum and Pannonia.
The twentieth century AD Germanic troops are allowed to settle south of the Danube.
370’s Huns invade the area north of the Danube.
470’s Rome finally gives up control of Austria, and the country is occupied for the following decades by whistles and langobards.
600s The area of present-day Austria is colonized by the Germanic Baju products.
788 The last agilolfing duke Tassilo III is deposed by Karl the Great, who organizes the areas in the east as a land county. One of these is named Ostmark in the 900s, later Ostarrichi.
976 Leopold I of Babenberg becomes landmark of Austria
1156 Austria is elevated to a duchy. Under the house Babenberg, Austria participates in the German eastern colonization.
1246 The house Babenberg extinguishes.
1276-82 After a few years belonging to the kingdom of Ottokar II, Austria becomes Rudolf of Habsburg, who gives it in county to his sons Albrekt I and Rudolf II.
1315 and 1386 Military defeat against the Swiss at Morgarten and Sempach. The Habsburgs are forced to recognize the independence of the Confederation of Eds.
1438 Duke Albrekt V’s election to the German king (like Albrekt II) begins a period until 1806, when the dukes (from 1453 archdukes) of Austria are regularly appointed German kings/German-Roman emperors.
1493-1519 Maximilian I’s successful dynasty policy creates a world monarchy where the sun never sets.
1521-22 Through a settlement between Maximilian I’s grandsons Karl V and Ferdinand I, the Habsburg monarchy is split into a Spanish-Burgundian and an Austrian part.
1526 Louis II of Bohemia-Hungary dies after the defeat of the Turks at Mohács. By joining his countries Bohemia, Moravia, Lausitz, Silesia and western Hungary, Ferdinand I creates a lasting historical link between Austria and these areas.
1529 The Turks under Süleyman I besiege Vienna but fight back.
1520-40 centuries The Reformation is gaining ground in Austria but is soon met by a Catholic counter-offensive under Jesuit leadership.
1555 The Augsburg religious peace gives every German prince the right to decide the religion of his subjects, a right which the Habsburg rulers use to recapture Austria and at the same time strengthen the central power at the expense of the states.
1618-48 In the Thirty Years War, Austria is the leading Catholic power. The Westphalian peace defeats Habsburg’s hegemony in the German-Roman Empire but strengthens the position of central power in the heritage countries.
1683 A second major Turkish attack against Vienna is fought back.
1699 Following successful Austrian campaigns under the leadership of the Eugen of the Savoy, the Turks are forced to resign in almost peace throughout Hungary with Transylvania, Slavonia and southern Croatia to Austria, which thus becomes the dominant superpower in Central Europe.
1714 Through the peace in Rastatt, which ends the Spanish war of succession, Austria wins the Spanish Netherlands, Milan and Naples as well as Sardinia, which is later replaced by Sicily. Although the southern Italian possessions will soon be lost, Austria has thus become a major power in Italy as well.
1740-63 Through the Austrian succession war (1740–48) and the seven-year war (1756–63), Austria manages to assert its position as the dominant superpower in Central Europe.
1772 and 1795 Through the divisions of Poland, Austria makes major land acquisitions in Galicia and the Lesser Poland.
1740-90 Maria Teresia and Joseph II pursue an active reform policy in the spirit of enlightened despotism.
1792-1815 In order to maintain the feudal social order and the European balance of power, Austria participates with varying degrees of success in the coalition wars against the revolution of France and Napoleon I.
1804 Frans II proclaims to be the hereditary emperor of Austria (like Frans I) and two years later the German-Roman imperial crown is abolished.
1814-15 The Vienna Peace Congress is dominated by Austria under Metternich. Austria regains most of its possessions and occupies a dominant position in Germany and Italy.
1848-49 Liberal and national uprisings in all parts of the empire lead to Metternich’s fall, but the absolutist central government is soon restored by military means.
1859 War with the Kingdom of Sardinia, supported by Napoleon III’s France. Austria is forced to accept Italy’s unification and loses Lombardy.
1866 Following the defeat of Prussia in the German Unity War, Austria is forced to accept that the German unity issue is resolved on Prussian terms. At the same time, Austria must resign Venice to Prussia’s ally Italy.
1867 The “compromise” (Ausgleich) regulates the relationship with Hungary, and the double-monarchy Austria-Hungary arises.
1879 Austria joins with Germany the alliance which in 1882, through Italy’s accession, is expanded to the triple alliance.
1907 General voting rights for men are introduced.
1908 Austria annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina.
1914 Through its declaration of war against Serbia on July 28 following the murder of the successor Franz Ferdinand, Austria becomes the immediate cause of the outbreak of the First World War.
1918 Austria is forced to conclude a cease-fire with the entente powers on November 3. The last Habsburg emperor Karl I abdicates, and a republic, “German-Austria”, is proclaimed. However, the Entente powers do not allow this designation of state, which is why the new republic is given the name “Austria”.
1920 A new constitution makes Austria a democratic and parliamentary federal state.
1933-34 Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss, with the support of Mussolini’s Italy, establishes an authoritarian regime, defeats the Social Democratic opposition in a brief civil war in 1934 but is assassinated the same year in a Nazi coup attempt.
1938 German troops train into Austria and implement the country’s connection (Anschluss) to the German Empire.
1939-45 Austria participates with Germany in World War II.
1945 Austria is occupied by allied troops and placed under occupation management. A democratic government is set up to govern the country according to the 1920 Constitution (the “Second Republic”).
1955 Through a so-called state treaty with the allies, Austria achieves full sovereignty against committing itself to constant neutrality.
1960 Austria joins EFTA.
1970-83 Bruno Kreisky governs Austria at the head of a Social Democratic majority government.
1995 Following the referendum (1994), Austria joins the EU.
1999 The right-wing populist party FPÖ led by Jörg Haider forms a disputed coalition government with the Conservative People’s Party (ÖVP).
2002 The currency shilling is replaced by the euro.

Population 2000

According to COUNTRYAAH, the population of Austria in 2000 was 8,069,165, ranking number 90 in the world. The population growth rate was 0.200% yearly, and the population density was 97.9174 people per km2.

Austria Population Pyramid